Six on Saturday as June Unfurls

So what’s been happening your garden this week? Isn't June a fabulous month of colour as everything is looking lush and healthy in the garden? Here are my pick from the garden this week for #SixonSaturday!

Six on Saturday after the Rain

After so many weeks of warm, dry weather, the garden and I were doing a happy dance this week to see some rainfall! It is amazing how the combination of rainfall followed by sunshine really makes everything in the garden so much more lush!

Six on a Sunny Saturday

Isn't it amazing how the sunshine just makes everything in the garden look brighter? It's the beginning of July and the colours are more intense, if only we could freeze the garden just as it is right now! Here are my sunny #sixonsaturday in July!

Squelching Into June

We've had monsoon like rain, which then coupled with a few warm, sunny days, has made the garden growth prolific! Everything is looking lush, green and healthy and we certainly won't be needing the watering cans for a while! Here are my pick this week for #SixonSaturday!

Your Favourite Six Plants for Your Garden

If you had to choose just six plants for your garden that you could not be without, which six plants would you choose? These suggestions are just a bit of banter between gardeners but these top choices might inspire you to plant some in your garden!

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